Water Leak Detection Services

Water leak detection services are important for your wallet, your home, and the environment.

Big responsibilities come with owning a home. There’s a lot that goes into owning a home that you are now fully invested in. Many homes have unfortunately been constructed or repaired with faulty materials that almost always lead to further, more extensive damage.

The last thing you want is a pipe bursting while you’re at work or on vacation. Even small leaks that go undetected behind walls can cause damage over time, waste money, and hurt the environment by wasting water.
Related Topic: Save time & money with early water leak detection


The costs

To put this into perspective, let’s break down what water damage vs. water leak detection services would be.

Home insurance does cover certain types of water damage depending on the cause. In any water damage situation, you will have to look at three main factors to calculate what your total cost of damage repairs will be:
  • Cost of water removal, cleanup, ventilation, and decontamination
  • Cost of building and structural repairs
  • Cost of replacement, cleaning or replacement of personal property, and mechanical equipment

In addition to these factors, you must consider:
  • Where you live
  • The cost of labor and materials in your area
  • The type of water damage
  • The extent of the damage

Types of water damage include clean, grey, and black water damage. According to Fixr; clean water, or water that comes from a pipe or rain, costs about $3.75 per sq.ft. Greywater, or water that comes from appliances that may contain chemicals, costs around $4.50 per sq.ft. to dry out. Blackwater, or water that comes from a contaminated source such as a sewer pipe, is around $7 per sq.ft

The average cost to clean up water damage is around $2,700 but may as go as high as $7,500 for severe damage.

Water Leak Detection Costs

Leak detection can cost anywhere from $175 to over $600 depending on the type of equipment needed, the type of water leak, and the location of the leak.

For example, if your leak ends up being 6 feet underneath a concrete slab, you may have to pay more than someone whose leak appearing in a more obvious area.
Related Topic: Pool Leak Detection Costs

What you can do

Leak Science is a reliable water leak detection service that can help you save hundreds, even thousands, of dollars in water damage repair work. Leaks can happen anywhere at any time; in your home, in your yard, and in your pool. By having your home and pool professionally inspected, you’re eliminating the possibility of the extensive water damage and high price discussed earlier.

Our professionals have extensive training on using high-tech leak detection equipment, and the irreplaceable (and highest of value in our opinion) trained ears that can find that leak 6 feet underground, under a slab of concrete.

If you suspect you have a leak, or maybe aren’t even sure – contact us today! We’re proud to offer financing options if we end up finding a big issue during our inspection.

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