Tempe Pool Leak Repair | Leak Science

Think you have a pool leak? Don’t panic! Leak Science is the leading leak detection business that serves Tempe, Arizona. We have the right tools required to identify, track down, and report on any leaks that could be present in your swimming pool. Finding these leaks can help you save time, money, and effort by pinpointing the precise problem that needs to be fixed by experts. Our aim is to maintain a full pool so you may resume swimming at your leisure. So if you need experts for Tempe pool leak repair, don’t hesitate to contact Leak Science today!

Call us when you need a professional pool repair service or diagnostic. Our team’s extensive experience in the pool industry has given us the knowledge necessary to repair any pool, so your pool pump, filters, motors, and pool heaters have never been in better hands. We can fix any pool leak that springs up, no matter how complicated it is. Contact us right now for a qualified diagnosis!
Diagnosing Pool Leak


We will conduct a water leak diagnostic inspection of your home or pool from the ground up. We’ll leave no area unchecked as we search for the problem!


Using sophisticated ultrasound technology, our trained technicians accurately locate the source of the leak. We have years of experience locating leaks of all sizes through hundreds of feet of plumbing. No leak is too big (or too small!) for our team to find.
Leak Detection Experts in Phoenix Working On Flagstone
Pool Deck After Repair

Step 3: Repairing the Leak

After we determine the exact location of the leak, it’s time to get to work repairing it! Using our professional tools and knowledge, we can repair any leak, no matter how big or small. Some smaller leaks are easier to fix, while others that have built up over time may require more work. Additionally, some pool leaks require us to dig out a portion of the flagstone or concrete. Not to worry, though—we offer full restoration services, so your pool looks as good as new when we are finished!

Inquire About Leak Science Pool Leak Detection & Repair Services

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