Tempe Leak Repair | Leak Science

It may be frustrating to have a pool leak, especially if you can’t see any leakage and don’t know where to begin. So How can you tell if your swimming pool has leaks? A decent backwashing may utilize up to an inch of pool water, and on a hot day, pool evaporation can use up to 1/4″ of pool water daily. If there is a lot of pool activity, splashout could be evident, although it is not usually the cause of long-term water loss. If you still believe your pool is leaking after taking into consideration these possibilities, you may need Tempe leak repair.

Leak Science has decades of experience in the leak detection industry and can help with leaks both big and small. Our team specializes in pool leak detection and Tempe leak repair, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help with a leak!

Use the Bucket Test for Pool Leaks

If your pool is consistently losing water (and not just from normal evaporation), you may want to perform a simple bucket test. First, place a 5-gallon bucket on the top step of your ladder or on the first step of your pool. Half-fill the bucket with water, then mark the level on the interior of the bucket using electrical tape or a permanent marker. Mark the bucket with a second piece of electrical tape to indicate the level of the pool. For 24 hours, refrain from backwashing and splashout, then compare the two noted measurements.

The only water loss from the bucket will be evaporation, but any additional water loss from the pool will also be included. You can start tracking down the pool leak if there is an obvious difference between the two.

How and Where to Check for Pool Leaks

In order to find leaks in swimming pools, four key areas must first be eliminated: the pool shell, pool lights, pool plumbing, and pool equipment. Let’s dive into each area below.

The Pool Pump

The first area to check for pool leaks is the area surrounding your filter and pump. Do you see any water stains or moist patches there? If so, try to determine the source of the water. It might be necessary to operate the pump for a bit and keep an eye on it to see if any leaks appear while everything is operating. A minor trickle on the pump or filter, on the other hand, won’t amount to much and probably won’t be apparent from the pool level.

Isolate the Plumbing

To determine whether the pool’s leak is coming from the plumbing or the pool’s shell, you’ll need to isolate the plumbing. This refers to caulking up every pool hole. With expanding freeze plugs or threaded plugs, seal the skimmer, return fittings, cleaner fittings, vacuum lines, and main drain (if feasible).

Plug the skimmer, main drain, and return in order to identify or rule out leaks in the pool shell. You can utilize threaded plugs that are used for winterizing or rubber plugs.
Turn off the pump at the breaker to prevent it from starting while the lines are clogged. Additionally, you might want to shock the pool in advance since, if the water level keeps decreasing, you might need to turn off the pump for a few days. To avoid misunderstanding during this test, raise the water level to its regular level before starting, since the water will have stabilized at the lowest level.

If the leak is significant enough, it frequently drops swiftly to the issue and stabilizes there. This might be directly below the returns, at the very bottom of the skimmer, or even at the pool light. When all of the pipes are clogged, you may rule out the pool pump if the water level in the pool doesn’t rise.

Other Pool Types

Concrete pools may leak from small gaps around pipes that protrude through the wall, cracks in the shell, most frequently in the tile line, or the extremely typical skimmer leak at the junction of the plastic skimmer and concrete pool wall.

Like a concrete pool, a fiberglass pool may leak through a break in the shell. Other possible leak points include the skimmer, return, drain, or light faceplates.

The Importance of Maintenance

Your pool care specialist may occasionally discover a leak while performing routine maintenance. But it also happens frequently that a leak develops between maintenance appointments.

Therefore, it’s crucial that homeowners are aware of the warning indications.
  • Keep an eye on your pool’s waterline. There is a strong risk you might have a pool leak if the line has receded, especially while the pool is not in use.
  • Keep a close eye on your water bill for any odd increases in your monthly expenses. A problem with the pool is frequently indicated by unusually high water bills.
  • Contact Leak Science right away if you see any of these indicators or anything else that appears out of the ordinary.

Leaks in the Pool Skimmer

Leaks can develop inside the skimmer body or on the sidewalls of the skimmer, which is one of the most common places for leaks in in-ground pools. These leaks are typically caused by winter freeze damage or excessive ground movement. Due to their low cost, above-ground pool skimmers are frequently completely replaced when they begin to leak.

Prevention is Best!

It should go without saying that the best method for leaks is preventing them from happening in the first place! But even if we’re careful with our pool systems, leaks can still spring up. That’s why it’s important to keep an eye out for common signs of pool leaks, including…
  • Unusually high water bills
  • Wet or muddy spots around the backyard
  • Standing water underneath pool equipment
  • Cracks in the pool surface or tile

Related Article: Causes of Swimming Pool Leaks 

The team at Leak Science is here for you whenever you need Tempe leak repair. We have the tools, knowledge, and expertise to repair any leak, no matter how complicated it is. We work with hundreds of feet of plumbing every day, using our knowledge and sophisticated equipment to quickly locate and repair pool leaks.

We’ll break down our detection process here so you know what to expect.
  • Diagnose. First, we listen to each client to understand the problem. The more information you can give us about the leak, the better!
  • Locate. Then it’s time to use our expertise and high-tech equipment to locate the source of the leak. Some leaks are easy to find, but others that are hidden deep within the plumbing system can take longer to locate.
  • Solve. Once we find the leak, we get to work repairing it. We pride ourselves on our expert craftsmanship.
Wet Pool Deck With Hat

Tempe Leak Repair Services from Leak Science

If you have a huge water bill or a damaged backyard, don’t panic—our team is here to help! Our team has a simple process for leak detection that gets to the source of the problem right away. We understand how important your pool is and will make sure everything is done to leave your pool in the greatest shape. These repairs and services vary based on your needs, but rest assured that you’ll get the best Tempe leak repair services from the team at Leak Science. Here are some of our repair services:

> Complete material fabrication to complement your pool

> Fixing cracks, holes, and patches

> Tempe leak repair for pools and home plumbing systems

> Repairs of underground plumbing

> Repairs to Above-Ground Plumbing

What about home leaks?

Our team can handle home leaks too! As a homeowner, it’s important to understand what most of the pipes running through our flooring, walls, basements, and attics do and why they are all so crucial for a properly-functioning home.

Each home has a plumbing system for the water supply, kitchen plumbing, bathroom plumbing, and a drain-waste-vent system. With the exception of the final system, it should be possible to determine which room each item was located in and its intended use. In essence, the drain-waste-vent system is the network of pipes that transports all of the wastewater from your sinks, showers, toilets, washing machines, and other water-using household appliances through your home and out to the public sewer.
We encounter plumbing problems like leaks, blockages, and damaged pipes when one of these systems is affected.
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