Tempe Home Leak Repair | Leak Science

Water damage is one of the most prevalent grounds for homeowners’ insurance claims. Burst pipes, leaking washing machine hoses, and flooded basements are all common causes of homeowners’ insurance claims. Are you safe from harm? In most circumstances, you’ll be covered if you have the right coverage. However, some individuals aren’t protected because they don’t maintain their plumbing, and the insurance adjuster will find a reason to deny your claim if your plumbing isn’t maintained. It’s critical to keep your plumbing in good working order or to get adequate coverage in the event that a devastating water leak occurs. We can locate and repair the leak, and our Leak Science crew can restore your house. Our team has over a decade of experience with Tempe home leak repair.

You’ve come to the correct spot if you’re searching for quick and effective leak detection in Tempe, Arizona. Leak Science provides water leak detection and repair services to households and businesses throughout Tempe, AZ. So whether it’s a basement leak wreaking havoc on your home’s foundation or a kitchen sink leak caused by worn-out washers, our skilled plumbers have the instruments to correctly identify and pinpoint the source of the leak and perform repairs.

If you have a pesky water leak in your home or business, don’t hesitate to contact Leak Science today. Our skilled team has the tools and skills to fix any leak, no matter how big or small. Call us at 480-794-0959 to schedule your Tempe home leak repair appointment today!

The Symptoms of a Leak 

Sometimes, leaks can be tricky to spot. They aren’t always obvious, and they can build up slowly over time. Luckily, there are some warning signs that can alert you to the presence of a leak. Be sure to check your home appliances regularly to make sure they are functioning properly. Doing so can help you spot damage that can turn into a pesky leak.

Here are some signs you have a leak and may need Tempe home leak repair.
  • When all taps are turned off, you hear a gurgling or hissing sound emanating from your pipes
  • The water bill is steadily rising, but you can’t account for any additional water consumption
  • Water pressure has dropped noticeably
  • Unpleasant odors near the drains that won’t go away no matter how much you clean
  • Unexplained damp patches on your lawn
  • The sudden growth of mold or mildew in bathroom corners
  • Discolored or spotted drywall
  • Wet ceiling rings
  • Damaged paint cracks in your house’s foundation
  • Warped hardwood or shifted tile around the house

So, what can you do if you have a leak?

First and foremost: don’t panic! Leaks can happen to anyone at any time. You shouldn’t be frightened or embarrassed by a new leak springing up. If the leak is serious and is filling up a room, you should act fast. Start by isolating the leak and grabbing buckets and towels to collect the moisture. Remove any valuable items from the area and make sure your family and pets are away from the leak. Keep everyone out of the room if there are exposed wires in the area. Then call a leak repair company right away to resolve the leak.

All homeowners should learn is where the emergency shutoff valves are located. The main water shutoff valve in your house or company is the most crucial. Each shut-off valve should be inspected once a year to ensure it is in good operating condition. Most individuals know that a yearly inspection is necessary, yet they seldom carry it out. To test if a valve in your home works, turn it off and on. If the valve does not shut off the fixture, it should be replaced; otherwise, you risk significant damage in an emergency. Water stains on the ceilings or a leaking pipe are all signs that something is wrong.

Why are water leaks dangerous?

Water leaks are dangerous for a variety of reasons. For one thing, they can be messy and cause damage that may lead to expensive repairs. They can even damage furniture or other precious belongings, which can be heartbreaking.

Water that comes close to electrical wires poses an immediate threat to your family’s safety.

Additionally, leaks can cause mold and mildew to grow in your house. Mold is toxic and can develop in a short amount of time. Mold and mildew can trigger dangerous allergic reactions in some people, which is why you should mop up the water and dry up everything moist to avoid the growth of mold.

What causes a leak?

A broken pipe can cause damage to your furniture and other personal belongings, and flooding can result in pricey repairs rapidly. It’s sometimes preferable to undertake a Copper re-pipe rather than a spot repair.

The cause of a leak is sometimes evident (like a bathroom faucet leak, shower leak, or a leaking kitchen sink). A water tank leak or a basement water leak, for example, may be hidden from view. They might be entirely concealed, such as a leaky water pipe in your walls or beneath your concrete slab.

Need a leak repaired quickly and effectively in Tempe?

The last thing you want is a water leak that undermines your home’s structural integrity while also increasing your water bill. Look no farther than Leak Science if you’re looking for “leak detection near me” and water leak repair in Tempe. We provide quick and efficient leak detection and repair in Tempe to assist property owners to save money by preventing water waste. We realize how aggravating dealing with a concealed leak can be, which is why our plumbers use their expertise, experience, and leak detecting technology to quickly restore your plumbing system to normal.

What is Leak Detection and How Does It Work? 

Even for specialists, swimming pool leaks can be difficult to spot with the untrained eye. Water leaks in Phoenix and Scottsdale pose the greatest hazard because they can go undetected, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in water bills each month. Leaks in pipes are discovered by isolating a line from the others and forcing air or compressed gas into it. A decrease in pressure on that line is what we’re looking for. We go out and listen underneath with our acoustic listening equipment once we’ve determined which line isn’t holding pressure. At this stage, we’re looking for air, water, or air bubbles escaping from the break’s site.

We’re searching for spots where the dye is dragged into a place, whether it’s a crack, void, or plumbing inlet or outlet, while the water is fleeing via that area through other techniques. This strategy also needs some practice. A helium tracer gas and a gas detector will also be used. Helium may escape through even the tiniest fractures and rise to the surface.

Our Arizona technicians have years of experience in all phases of swimming pool repair, water leak repair, and remodeling, giving them the insight to fully understand the complex workings of your pool. In addition to specialized training in swimming pool leak detection and the use of state-of-the-art equipment, they also have years of experience in all phases of swimming pool repair, water leak repair, and remodeling, giving them the insight to fully understand the complex workings of your pool. When you call Leak Science, you can be certain that we will detect and successfully fix your swimming pool leak in the least invasive manner possible.

Our Leak Detection Process

Now that you know a bit more about leaks, let’s talk about our process for the repair. Our team uses specialized equipment to detect, locate, and resolve your leak. Take a look at our process below.
Leaking Faucet


Using sophisticated ultrasound technology, our trained technicians accurately locate the source of the leak. We have years of experience locating leaks of all sizes through hundreds of feet of plumbing. No leak is too big (or too small!) for our team to find.


The first step for any Tempe home leak repair is to meet with the homeowner to discuss the leak. We’ll get to know the symptoms of the leak, as well as familiarize ourselves with the areas affected by the leak.
Air Pressure Test For Leaks
Plumber Working On Leaking Sink in AZ Home


When we find your leak, we get right to work with our professional Tempe home leak repair. Our qualified team members can fix any leak, no matter how big or small. To save time, money, and stress, we always recommend hiring a professional to help with leak repair.

Related Article: DIY Vs Professional Leak Detection 

Professional Home Leak Repair in Tempe by Leak Science

If not detected and repaired promptly, hidden leaks anywhere in your house can cause substantial property damage and costly repairs. If you suspect a water leak, contact the professionals at Leak Science right away. Our skilled team members employ effective leak detection technologies to identify leaky plumbing systems and provide an effective remedy to prevent further property damage.

Think you have a leak? Don’t wait! Contact us for Tempe home leak repair today.

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