Scottsdale Swimming Pool Leak | Leak Science

A Scottsdale swimming pool leak may be quite dangerous, and you should not ignore it. Not only will you lose water, but your pool’s surface may also be damaged, making repairs difficult or expensive. A pool leak isn’t always simple to see, although it’s most frequent in corners, around tile lines, near pipe openings, around lights, or at the skimmer’s throat.

If you think you have a Scottsdale swimming pool leak, don’t hesitate to reach out! Call us at 480-794-0959 or contact us online to schedule your pool leak repair today.

What Makes A Pool Leak Happen? 

Leaks can occur for a variety of causes, depending on the type of swimming pool:

Pool Leaks in Concrete 

Although concrete pools are thought to be the most lasting, problems can still develop. Pool upkeep that isn’t up to par might cause the surface to deteriorate. Surface cracks might form as a result of loose fittings or other factors.

Pool Leaks in Fibreglass

Fiberglass pools may last for well over 25 years, so any leaks could simply be due to wear and tear. Poor handling during the installation procedure or in the plumbing when the surrounding sand becomes wet might produce cracks in the pool’s surface.

Pool Leaks in Vinyl

It’s fairly unusual for vinyl pools to tear, resulting in a leak. Sharp or hard items striking the surface, as well as aging, can produce them. A hole or rip in a vinyl liner, fortunately, is not a costly repair.

Scottsdale swimming pool leaks can also be caused by:

  • Construction site collisions
  • Equipment failure
  • Temperature changes
  • Chemical imbalance in the pool
  • Age

Identifying a Scottsdale Swimming Pool Leak

Pool leaks can be caused by a multitude of factors. Mechanical concerns, structural damage, plumbing issues, damaged pipes, and broken or loose fittings are some of the most typical reasons for pool leaks. Some sections of the swimming pool and the filtration system may begin to degrade over time if any of these problems arise. These regions are an important aspect of the swimming pool since they guarantee that it is maintained clean, safe, and operational. Scottsdale Swimming Pool Leaks are unavoidable if these regions are not properly maintained.

Areas with the Most Pool Leaks

Pool leak detection may be time-consuming and difficult. Many pool leaks take place in locations that are entirely concealed from sight, such as subsurface plumbing.

Pool Liners

Pool liners protect the structure of the swimming pool’s wall and bottom. They produce a protective surface by fully covering the shell of your pool. The pool liner’s purpose is to keep the water in the pool and give it a smooth appearance. Pool liners have an eight to twenty-year lifetime. The liner’s lifespan is determined by how much you use it and how well you maintain it. Improper maintenance might cause your liner to wear out more quickly, making it more prone to leaks.
The wall and floor construction of the pool are covered with pool liners. They produce a protective surface by entirely covering the pool’s shell. The pool liner’s purpose is to keep water in the pool while also giving it a sleek appearance. Pool liners have an eight-to-twenty-year life expectancy. The liner’s lifespan is determined by how much you use it and how you maintain it. Improper maintenance might cause your liner to wear out more quickly, making it more susceptible to leaks.

Pool Filters

The pool pump and the filter are often confused, but they are not the same. The pump propels water through the skimmer to reach the filter, which holds dirt particles and other materials back and retains them. As a result, the filter’s primary function is to keep the water clean and clear. A swimming pool filter is a necessary component. To avoid damage, it must be maintained and cleaned on a regular basis. Failure to offer sufficient care, as we’ve already stated, is the perfect formula for a leaky pool.

Underground Plumbing 

Underground plumbing is one of the most dangerous places for a pool leak to occur. A leaky subterranean pipe is terrible for the environment as well as your cash. Because you can’t see these sorts of leakage, they tend to go undiscovered for extended periods of time. Long-lasting wet stains on your pool decking or yard, as well as abnormally high water bills, are common symptoms of this sort of leak.

Pool Skimmer

A skimmer’s job is to gather floating debris, such as leaves, twigs, and insects, so they don’t fall to the pool’s bottom. Another source of pool leaks is a skimmer leak. Many people don’t think of the skimmer when they think of a pool leak, but it shouldn’t be disregarded. This sort of leak is typically easy to spot. Look for any fissures in the area where the skimmer meets the plaster and debris getting sucked into these crevasses while checking the skimmer.

Structural Leaks 

When the structure of a pool fractures as a consequence of concrete displacement, this sort of leak occurs. This movement can strain your pool’s surface, causing it to fracture, which can lead to fissures in the underlying structure. It’s one of the most serious issues with swimming pools, especially if you don’t deal with it right away. If these cracks are not repaired, they will continue to get larger, making restoration a more time-consuming and costly task. Water passes through the cracks and eventually erodes the soil beneath and around the structure, causing the structural leak. Once this happens, your pool’s safety and structure may be jeopardized.
Pool With Legs Dangling

Pool Leaks Do Occur. Prepare Yourself!

As a pool owner, we recommend that you educate yourself on the causes of leaks and which places are most likely to create leaks if they are damaged. While we didn’t go into great detail about it in this post, you should be aware of the main indicators of Swimming Pool Leaks. We strongly advise employing specialists who are fully qualified and prepared to undertake several tests in order to assess your pool while dealing with pool leaks. It’s a time-consuming and difficult task that should only be undertaken by experts.

Step 1: Is There a Leak in Your Pool?

So your pool is losing water quicker than your frozen pops are being devoured by the kids next door. Water loss is caused by three primary factors:
  • The pool’s plumbing has a leak.
  • The pool shell has a leak.
  • Splash-out or evaporation from the pool that is excessive.

Perhaps you’re lucky, and the water loss is simply splashing or evaporation. You probably have a swimming pool leak if you’re adding more than two inches of water to your pool every week, even when it’s not in use.

Step 2: Double-Check the Obvious First

Swimming Pool Is Leaking? Here are four steps to finding a solution. Examine the filter, pump, heater, and pipe valves attentively. Is there any water leaking from the equipment pad?

Check for wetness on the ground. Take a stroll around the pool and near the equipment. Examine the region for damp soil, as well as sunken or eroding spots.

Consider this: Does your pool leak all of the time or only when the equipment is turned on? If it leaks all of the time, the shell is most certainly leaking. Examine the plaster for cracks. Look for tears or separations around all the fittings, skimmers, returns, cleaner line, lights, steps, and corners if you have a vinyl pool liner. Vinyl liners have a tendency to leak.

Take a good look at the tile line. Examine the skimmer’s inside. A gap between the plastic skimmer and the concrete pool is a frequent leak location.

Step 3: Are you stuck? Leak Science is the place to go if you have a problem with a leak. 

Leak Science has the most up-to-date tools to swiftly locate and fix swimming pool leaks in the shell, liner, or piping. We’ll locate any leaks in your pool. Then we’ll take care of it.

Step 4: Maintain Your Pool Properly to Avoid Future Leaks 

When it comes to Scottsdale Swimming Pool Leak here are four steps to finding a solution. A vinyl liner can last 15 years or more in a well-maintained swimming pool. A liner, on the other hand, may only last three years in a badly kept pool, and gunite pools are just as susceptible to neglect.

Water that is chemically balanced, pool coverings, and shade may all help your liner last longer and avoid leaks. We can not only fix swimming pool leaks at Leak Science, but we can also give advice on how to prevent them.

Do You Have a Scottsdale Swimming Pool Leak? Call Leak Science!

Improper maintenance might result in Scottsdale Swimming Pool Leaks. Regular pool maintenance by Leak Science qualified specialists will help your pool last longer. 
We keep our eyes open while we do routine maintenance, spotting any problems early to avoid more costly repairs. Leak Science’s professionals can offer you the all-in-one solution you need to safeguard your house and pool against leaks and damage caused by leaks. Contact the specialists at Leak Science for an evaluation if you suspect you have a leak in your house or pool, or if you want to make sure you’re not in danger of developing one.

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