Pool Restoration in Phoenix

Leak Science is most known in the Valley for combining the awesome forces of leak detection expertise and science to find even the most difficult leaks. However, Leak Science goes above and beyond proficient leak detection. Our team is practiced and skilled at full leak detection and pool restoration in Phoenix, Arizona. In fact, did you know that we’re the leak detection experts your pool company calls for leak detection? We are the only company in the entire Valley that manages the entire process, meaning fewer people in your home and much fewer costs.

Pool Restoration Services in Phoenix

There’s something special about a fully functional swimming pool. One cannot dig a hole in the ground, fill it with water, and call it a swimming pool. The way it looks, the way it feels, is a big part of the pool experience. We use our pools for more than just swimming, it holds occasions, moments, and special memories.

Oftentimes, things go wrong with a pool. A root underground can puncture a hidden pipe or the pool decking may have served its last few years. Whatever it may be, certain problems that arise as a result of these instances include...
  •  Green Pools
  •  Resurfacing
  •  Tile
  •  Full Restoration

What are Green Pools?

When your pool water turns from a beautiful blue to a gross green, there’s one culprit behind it. Algae. Algae develop when the pool’s sanitizer levels are too low. If you have been slacking on your water testing and water balance levels have gotten out of range, you are not adding enough chlorine or whatever sanitizer you use.

The best way to prevent a green pool from happening or returning is to check the water levels at least once a week. Better yet, every other day if you can handle that. If you notice that levels are on the low side, add sanitizer immediately.

Leak Science is proud to be an expert in restoring green pools back to their beautiful, healthy blue. If you have a green pool, don’t hesitate to contact us right away. Pool season is right around the corner, and it’s time for it to be in tip-top shape.

Resurfacing your Pool

Your pool’s interior should be serving two purposes, to seal and protect and look visually appealing. Pool plaster surfaces will generally last from 10-15 years without having to reapply, and standard pool interiors may only last 10 years without color options, while high-performance plaster surfaces offer a much longer-lasting and colorful experience.

A few signs you may need to resurface your pool in Phoenix include...
  •  Etching
  •  Cracks
The etching is the roughness of the surface. It’s very porous and can cause blisters on feet. Cracks, whether hairline or larger, indicate a weakened surface bond. While some problems can be repaired, the best option may be to completely resurface with a new pool interior.


When the water from your pool evaporates, it leaves behind various contaminants and chemicals contained within it. This is a common occurrence that cannot be stopped. It’s found at the water’s edge across the pool's surface and along the sides of the spillways where water flows openly. While this can be unsightly, there is a way to remove the pool tile scale, making it look new again.

Leak Science offers a unique opportunity for homeowners and pool owners to hire a leak detection company that also will completely restore the look of your home or pool. Whether or not you had a hidden leak that required some demolition, Leak Science is here and available to make space look like new again. If you are searching for expert pool restoration in Phoenix, you’ve come to the right place. Learn more about the Leak Science crew here.

Full Restoration

You will find out that most, if not all, leak detection companies in the Valley can find and repair swimming pool leaks but will need to hire an outside contractor to help restore your pool to its original condition. This leads to more strangers in and out of your home and often higher costs. No need for extended repair times and multiple teams – Leak Science is the only leak detection company and experts in pool restoration in Phoenix to legitimately find and fix.


Signs you have a pool leak

According to a poll taken by Realtor.com, over 45% of Arizona residents have a pool. While evaporation and children splashing is completely normal, these factors can make it difficult to clearly determine if you have a leak in your pool. A few signs to help you determine if you have a leak include...

 >  A significant increase in your water bill

 >  Standing water near or around your pool

 >  Algae or discolored water

 > Cracks in and around your pool

 > Fluctuating chemical levels

To learn more, read the full article on these 
5 signs of a pool leak here. 

Tips for handling broken water lines or pipes

Nothing good comes from water being somewhere it shouldn’t in your home or around your pool. This alone could mean you are dealing with corrosion or excessive pressure in your water lines or pipes. Regardless of what caused the leak, at this very point, it’s important to take immediate action to prevent further damage. Understand these few tips to make a quick repair, even if it’s temporary.

 > Turn off your water

 > Find the leak

 > Patch the leak

For a more in-depth look at these three important steps to prevent irreparable damage to your home, 
read the full article here.


Pool Restoration in Phoenix

If you need pool restoration in Phoenix, you’ve come to the right place. We believe in continued education on best practices and the latest leak detection equipment, high-quality and efficient work, and relationships with our clients. We love what we do, and we do it well. Contact us today so we can answer any questions and discuss the many options we offer, including financing options.

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