Phoenix Leak Detection Services

Leak Science offers both pool and home Phoenix leak detection services for the residents of greater Phoenix. While a leaky faucet or water pooling where it shouldn’t be can be easily identified, other leaks within your pool or home are a little more difficult. Leaks can happen six feet underground within a maze of 100’s of feet of piping! Innovative technology and trained senses are surefire ways to efficiently find and fix the leak.

A few signs of a water leak include
  • An increase in the water bill
  • You hear water running even when the faucets are off
  • Smells and wet spots (mold or mildew)
  • Check the water meter and see if it’s moving

We’ve been asked many times, “How do you find a leak?”, I generally respond with, “it’s like walking into a pitch-black room the size of your backyard and feeling around for the doorknob that could be located anywhere.” We rely entirely on our experience and knowledge with pools and spas, our process, equipment, and our own sense of sight and sound. At Leak Science, we believe in continuing education and daily, comprehensive training to remain up to date on the latest practices.

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Phoenix Leak Detection Services & Repair

Leak Science is the only leak detection company in the valley that legitimately finds and fixes leaks in pools and in homes. We offer full Phoenix leak detection services and complete restoration. Traditionally, pool company owners call a third party for leak detection (us)! Leak Science manages the entire process, from finding your leak, extracting concrete or flagstone, repairing the leak, and restoring the area – like nothing ever happened.

This means fewer people in and out of your home and, ultimately, lower costs. No need for longer repair times. Our equipment and team of experts are extremely specialized to locate even the most difficult leaks as quickly as possible.

Related Topic: Water Sensors – How They Can Help Detect Water Leaks

Phoenix Leak Detection Services

What causes leaks?

> Corrosion & Deterioration

> Shifting or Accidental Breaks During Excavation or Drilling

> Water Pressure or Soil Conditions

> Poor Workmanship / Poor Installation

Do you have further questions?
Give us a call today! 

How do you repair broken pool pipes?

These repairs are the toughest to fix, depending on the locator’s accuracy in locating the leak in the first place. The impacted part of the pipe is cut out and repaired in that area. We generally cannot bypass the pipes in a pool, so we fix them in place and restore the concrete and coatings.

The cost of a pool leak repair varies. We have repaired leaks that run from $0 all the way up to over $5000. But, what we mostly see when we come to a home or business is $500-$1500 on most repair work in the Valley.

If you are concerned that you may have a leak in your pool, save money and help save the planet by calling us immediately!
Repairing Broken Pool Pipes
Pool Feature Repaired

The importance of detecting leaks early

The longer the leak goes undetected, the worse it and the effects will get. Even the smallest leak can cause significant damage over an extended time.

Additionally, the longer your equipment runs at a diminished capacity, the more time, effort, and money will be expended, and the results will only continue to falter.

When was the last time you had your pipes inspected? Know the condition of your pipes to prevent future significant damage by hiring an expert leak detection specialist. Leak Science knows and understands the complexities of above and underground piping so when it comes to looking for a leak, we know exactly what to look for.

Phoenix Leak Detection Services

If you suspect you have a leak in your pool or home, don’t hesitate to contact an expert like Leak Science. Water is an awesome force of nature, and even the smallest leak can lead to expensive, sometimes irreparable damage. Don’t hesitate to do anything you can to protect your home. The faster you act, the more money you save. Leak Science is proud to offer financing solutions for those who want to utilize that.

Do you live in an older home? When is the last time you had your pipes inspected? Have an expert at Leak Science come out to inspect today!

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