Leak Repair Phoenix

There may be some strange things going on that have led you to believe something is wrong with your pool. You may be adding more water every week than you have in the past, your water bill may be rising, or your pool might even be turning a little green. Your first step will be to hire a leak detection company that also specializes in leak repair in Phoenix.

Common signs of a swimming pool leak

Whether it’s summer and your pool is in constant use or it’s winter and you aren’t watching it too closely, it can be hard to determine if you, in fact, have a leak in your pool. Here are some tips to help determine you do have a leak.

First and foremost, know that evaporation is responsible for a quarter-inch per day (or two inches per week) of water loss, especially when it’s hot and dry. The simple solution, of course, is to add water and make sure the chemicals are in balance afterward.
  • Leak Repair in Phoenix Over Water BackgroundStanding water near pool or pool equipment
  • Pool or spa is losing more than 1/4″ per day or 2″ per week
  • Algae growth or discoloration of water
  • Fluctuating chemicals
  • Loose, cracked, or broken tiles
  • Your pool is settling into the ground
  • Abnormally high water bill
  • Water corrosion at the pump or around pipes
  • Soggy soil

Leak Repair in Phoenix

Why should you hire a professional leak repair company in Phoenix, you might ask? While a lot of new pool owners feel that they are masters at figuring out repairs on their own, some tasks are far too complicated to handle and should be completed by a professional with the proper tools and training. Here are a few things to consider when dealing with a leak repair in Phoenix


The tools you need to repair a larger, more complicated issue. Investing in these specialized tools doesn’t often make sense because once you fix the problem, it shouldn’t happen again for a long, long time. Hiring a professional to do the work for you that already has the tools saves you money in the long run.


The amount of studying and research you do will never amount to how valuable experience is. Most pool owners have never had professional leak repair in Phoenix training and this lack of specified knowledge can lead to more damage down the line. A professional leak detection and leak repair company years of daily practice stacked on top of comprehensive training and experience.


Master leak detectors and leak repair experts can get the job done efficiently, and done right the first time. Don’t make an experiment out of your pool. Mistakes made on a leak can and often will lead to further, costly damages in and around your pool.
Do you suspect you have a leak? Contact Leak Science for more information on financing options and answers to any questions you may have!


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