Emergency Leak Detection

While some leaks can go undetected for weeks, some are blatantly obvious. Are you in need of emergency leak detection? 480-794-0959 

Connect with an Expert

When you call a professional leak detection company like Leak Science, they will come armed with technical knowledge, the latest equipment, and the most advanced methods currently known in the trade. While a late-night plumbing problem or a leak over the weekend is often tempting to make an emergency leak detection call, some can wait until business hours, and you can avoid shelling out high costs for an after-hours visit.

Emergency Leak Detection Text Over Water Splashing

Do you have a water leak emergency?

In order to determine the severity of your situation, ask yourself the following questions.

Can It Wait?

For example, if you have a water leak in your basement that just won’t stop, you probably can’t hold off until regular business hours. However, if you have a broken toilet or sink and can avoid using it until morning and can shut off the water valve, you may be able to wait. Consider environmental factors as well – if it’s the middle of winter and the temperature outside is cold enough that frozen and burst pipes are a real issue, it’s time to call for emergency leak detection.

Also, can you shut off the water? If you can easily stop the flow of water (whether it’s a specific valve or the main shutoff), you can probably wait until morning to call a professional leak detection expert. However, if turning the water off isn’t possible, you should call for emergency help.

Even if it’s impossible to shut off the water, can you mitigate the damage enough to get you through until the next day? With a slow leak, you can often utilize buckets, rags, and other measures, but a serious leak can affect the floor, ceiling, and walls of the bathroom and any rooms adjoining it.

Is It Your Responsibility?

Sometimes, the emergency isn’t something you can fix, especially if you cannot locate the source of the leak. In this situation, call your water company and utility provider. They will be able to inform you if the problem affects more than just your home, or if you need to deal with it yourself. For example, if the issue is related to city water supplies, the problem will be fixed by city employees at no cost to you.

Keep Reading: Leak Detection Company VS Plumber – Who Should You Call

What If You Have to Call in a Professional?

If you absolutely cannot fix the issue yourself or wait until normal business hours, you will need to call for emergency leak detection and repair. Here are a few things to keep in mind...
  •  How much will the services cost?
  •  What are the extra fees for an emergency service?
  •  Are there any other fees that wouldn’t normally apply?
  •  How much will the specific problem cost to fix?
Once your emergency leak detection expert has obtained sufficient details about your leak, do not move forward until you receive an estimate.
Emergency Leak Detection In Process

What To Do in An Emergency

In the event of an emergency leak (the kind we discussed earlier when it just won’t stop), turn off the main water supply to your home (if doable – meaning, nothing life-supporting is connected). Then, release the water pressure inside the home by fully opening the faucet in the kitchen or bathroom until it dies down or trickles.

Secondly, use towels and sponges to clean up as much of the water as you can to prevent any further damage.

Next, if you have the equipment, open the windows and set up an air blower to speed up moisture evaporation and further reduce water damage in the area. Either now or even before these steps, it’s time to call a professional emergency leak detection and repair expert – like 
Leak Science. 

Emergency Leak Detection

Most plumbing issues are not do-it-yourself jobs. The consequences of undetected leaks are costly – but can be avoided. Even with sudden, emergency leaks, these scary and expensive issues can be avoided when you have a professional leak detection expert inspect your plumbing system once a year.

Leak detection technology and methods are constantly improving, and Leak Science remains on top. Our digital services can detect the smallest water leaks within the complex network of pipes, sometimes underneath 6 feet of concrete, dirt, and rocks. Noninvasively.

In addition to the best technology, our experts are consistently in continuing education and often fine-tune their senses to listen for leaks. When is the last time you had an inspection on your home or pool’s plumbing system? Do you suspect you have a leak? Contact the experts at Leak Science whether you are in an 
emergency situation or during business hours – we are here for you.
Technician At Work On An Emergency Leak Detection Job

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