Chandler Leak Repair | Leak Science

There comes a point in time when every homeowner must deal with a leak. Even if you take excellent care of your home and pool, leaks can still spring up because of old or damaged piping. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on the condition of your plumbing and appliances so you can be alerted to early signs of damage that may lead to leaks. But even the most prepared homeowner will need to hire a professional for Chandler leak repair.

If you have a leak, don’t stress. Leak Science is here to help! With over 15 years of experience in Chandler leak repair, Leak Science can handle any leak, no matter how complicated. Call us today at 480-794-0959 or contact us online to schedule your service appointment.

Signs You Need Chandler Leak Repair

If you’ve never had to deal with a leak before, you might not be familiar with some of the warning signs of a leak. While some leaks are obvious in nature, others build up over time in locations that are out of sight.

It’s important to keep a close eye on your household plumbing system and appliances. Here are some warning signs that you may need Chandler leak repair.

Sudden Increase in Your Water Bill

It’s normal to see a slight fluctuation in your water bill as the seasons change. (In most cases, Arizona homeowners typically use more water in the summer.)  However, if you notice a sudden and unusual spike in your water bill, this could be a sign that you have a leak somewhere in your home or pool. Keep tabs on your water bill to alert yourself of a potential leak.

Growth of Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew like to grow in warm, moist areas. This makes your bathroom the perfect spot for mold and mildew to grow. Seeing this growth doesn’t always warrant immediate concern that you have a leak. It may just mean that your bathroom has poor ventilation. However, if you see mold growing in and around your shower/tub or on your ceiling, this may indicate you have a bathroom leak. Be sure to clean out mold and mildew as soon as you spot it, but remember where you saw it so you can inspect the area for leaks.

Low or Inconsistent Water Pressure

Do you notice low or inconsistent water pressure when you turn on your shower or faucets? If low water pressure only affects one room, it could just be a clogged drain causing sluggish water. However, if your water pressure is inconsistent throughout your house, you might have a leak (or several) that is causing this issue. Call a professional leak detection company right away if you suspect you have a leak in your plumbing system.

Dripping Showerheads or Faucets

Leaks in your showerheads or faucets are usually pretty easy to spot. Usually, these leaks can be fixed by tightening up the fixture or replacing it altogether. But just because these leaks are small doesn’t mean you should ignore them! Leaks waste hundreds of gallons of water and hundreds of dollars from your pocket.

Standing Water Near Appliances

This is one of the most obvious signs of a leak, but it can still be easy to miss if you aren’t keeping an eye on your appliances. Check underneath sinks and behind household appliances like toilets, dishwashers, refrigerators, and washers. If you see standing water underneath exposed pipes or behind the appliance itself, you definitely have a leak!

Strange Noises Behind Walls

If you hear strange hissing, banging, or gurgling sounds coming from inside your walls, this could be an indication of a leak or clog somewhere in your plumbing system. You’ll want to contact a professional leak detection company to locate the leak for you, as most are too far in the plumbing system for you to find yourself.

Water Damage on Walls and Ceilings

If you’re like most homeowners, you dread the sight of water stains. Not only is water damage unsightly and expensive, but it is also an indicator of a much larger problem. Unfortunately, water stains indicate that your leak has been around for a long time.

Sudden Drop in Pool Water Level

It’s normal to lose some pool water due to evaporation, especially during the summer months. However, if your pool rapidly loses water and you find yourself refilling it every day, you definitely have a leak! Make sure to address this problem right away to save yourself time and money.

Wet Spots in Your Yard

Are there wet, soggy areas in your backyard? If so, this may be a sign of a pool leak or a leak in your irrigation lines. The sooner you address this problem, the sooner you can get your yard back to normal! Plus, soggy soil or grass can affect the stability of your pool foundation, so be sure to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.

Do any of these signs sound familiar? If so, you may need Chandler leak repair. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 480-794-0959 so we can help resolve your leak issue.
Leaking Faucet

Chandler Leak Repair for Your Home

Homes require extensive maintenance to function properly. And with everything else you have to worry about, it’s not uncommon to miss leaks or put off repairing them to a later date. If you know you have a leak, we recommend addressing the issue right away. Leaks waste water and money, and the longer you put off fixing them, the worse they get. Pretty soon, the damage piles up, and you may be left with an expensive repair bill! If you think you have a leak but don’t know where it’s coming from, we can help! Our team uses sophisticated ultrasound equipment to quickly and accurately locate the source of the leak. From there, we’ll repair the leak so you can get back to more important things.

Related Article: What Will Happen if You Ignore Leaks in Your Home? 


Chandler Leak Repair for Your Pool

Most Arizona homeowners know how much maintenance a pool requires. Even if you take great care of your pool, leaks can still spring up at a moment’s notice. And when that happens, you’ll need a professional leak detection company on your side to help you with Chandler leak repair. Pool leaks can get complicated, so they are best left to the pros who have the knowledge, experience, and tools to effectively repair the leak. Trust the team that has over 15 years of experience with Chandler pool leak repair!

Related Article: 5 Common Causes of Pool Leaks 
Pool With Legs Dangling

Why Hire a Professional for Chandler Leak Repair?

These days, many homeowners are opting for DIY solutions to common household problems. When it comes to renovating, redecorating, or even fixing a minor leaky pipe, we say go for it! However, most leaks are complicated and occur in hard-to-reach areas. Without the right tools and knowledge, attempting to fix leaks yourself can actually worsen the problem. That’s why we recommend hiring a professional for Chandler leak repair.

Here are some reasons you should trust the pros when it comes to leak detection and repair.
  • Professional knowledge and experience. Even if you have some knowledge about fixing leaks, nothing compares to the expertise of the pros! Our team has over 15 years of experience locating and repairing leaks in households across the Valley.
  • Sophisticated tools. Our team uses highly sophisticated equipment, including ultrasound technology, to quickly and accurately locate leaks. We have the right tools to get the job done right the first time.
  • Quality workmanship. At Leak Science, we pride ourselves on our quality workmanship. Our Chandler leak repairs stand the test of time and will last long after we’re gone.
  • Service guarantees. We know how important it is that our clients are happy with our work. If for any reason you aren’t satisfied, we’ll come back and make things right.
  • Timely appointments. If you’ve tried to book an appointment with a larger company, you probably know the hassle of finding an appointment that works with your schedule. And with how urgent leaks are, you don’t have the luxury of waiting around! Leak Science can help address your leak as soon as possible so you can get back to more important things.
  • Customer satisfaction. At Leak Science, our top priority is providing a great experience for all of our customers. We pride ourselves on our great reputation and our quality work. Read what our valued customers have to say about their experiences!

Chandler Leak Repair Experts: Leak Science

We know that it’s difficult to deal with leaks on your own. They are stressful, expensive, and time-consuming. And with everything else you have to manage at your home, you probably don’t have extra time to deal with a pesky leak. That’s where we can help. For over 15 years, Leak Science has been the Valley’s go-to company for Chandler leak repair.

Think you have a leak? Contact us today to save time, money, and hassle!

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